This document provides for the environmental, social and governance commitments of Kalexius.

We are confident that investing into these aspects of our society constitute a major asset for the development of Kalexius, both internally, by promoting our activity as employer, and with our clients. These commitments are therefore firmly rooted at the heart of our business model.


Environmental Commitments

The activity of Kalexius is based on innovation and we pay attention to reconcile our business with the current environmental challenges.

To achieve this, our efforts include:

  • Minimizing both the printing of documents and the volume of data saved electronically;
  • Taking measures to reduce energy consumption within our premises;
  • Reducing the creation of waste (for example, by using washable dishes in our offices) and encouraging the development of recycling; and
  • Using service providers who also adopt an environmental commitment.

Social Commitments

Our employees are major assets of our development. With teams located in seven countries across four different continents, the diversity of our employees is a significant influencing factor of our performance.

In order to safeguard this asset, we strive to promote a responsible human resource management by working on the following aspects:

  • Fighting against all forms of discrimination and promoting cultural diversity;
  • Organizing regular trainings for our employees based on specific needs that we identify;
  • Conducting annual appraisal interviews and implementing a clear and motivating remuneration policy;
  • Optimizing the achievement of a healthy work-life balance and respect for the well-being of employees at work; and
  • Encouraging initiatives which foster good relationships within the organization.

Ethical Commitments

As a law firm in both Switzerland and France, Kalexius is subject to the code of ethics for lawyers and to the statutory duty of confidentiality. Moreover, we have implemented good corporate governance practices and are committed to the following:

  • Permanent availability for our customers and implementation of continuous improvement objectives;
  • Clear and specific reporting adapted to our client requirements;
  • Transparency with respect to internal management;
  • Absence of conflicts of interest;
  • Ethical approach to all matters and operations;
  • Fight against all forms of corruption;
  • Special care to cybersecurity; and
  • Compliance with data protection.
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