Digitalisation et externalisation : retour sur l’atelier DiliTrust/Kalexius
Digitalisation et externalisation : Quelle combinaison gagnante pour une direction juridique performante ?
Digitalisation et externalisation : Quelle combinaison gagnante pour une direction juridique performante ?
“Legal Operations specialists are to a lawyer what managers are to an artist. They let lawyers focus on their art and provide them with the support they need for outstanding results.” True or false?
“I see service providers as an extension of the legal department. To get the most out of it, you need a clear understanding of your workloads and a robust triage system in place.”
Concepts and acronyms used in legal ops can sometimes be confusing for those entering the field. Here’s a brief explanation of what an ALSP is and why you would use one.
“I believe that there are many opportunities for legal teams to ‘de-lawyer’ work in order to avoid doing ‘fake work’. In this way, they can free up time for complex, strategic and mission-critical work.”
Over the last eighteen months the number of legal ops roles being advertised and appointed has trebled. However, these legal operations job roles vary significantly and what one person means by legal operations can be very different to what another means.
While commercial lawyers will negotiate Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as part of their day job, many would prefer not to have them applied to themselves.
“I think that legal operations is actually developing into a separate career altogether, away from a rotation. As long as you have a diverse skillset and an appetite for learning, you can excel in legal ops.”
Kalexius CEO Nicolas Leroux spoke to Ari Kaplan last week about finding the right resources for the right job thanks to ALSPs.
Different path: Alternative legal services provider [pdf id=2737] Direct link to article Download file